Project ASHA welcomes you to discover the beautiful world around you, learn the intriguing mysteries of the human body, and help serve humanity one step at a time...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Week 3 Photos

Photo Diary for Week 3 ~ Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of the common, recurrent Illnesses and Diseases present in Kevadiya Colony and the Surrounding Tribal Villages
ATTENTION READERS: After viewing the pictures, please select the pictures that you liked the most and let me know via the comment box located below the posting...Thank You!

In this figure, an elderly woman presented herself to me with a complaint of a phobia of the dark. Our team diagnosed her with a Vitamin A deficiency due because she presented with a case of nyctalopia (night blindness).
Picture 1: A little boy presenting with a tumor on his nose that has also spread to his right maxillary and ethmoid sinus cavities.
Picture 2: What is the likely diagnosis of this elderly woman?
Picture 3: Iodine deficiency in a middle aged woman.
Picture 4: A severe case of psoriasis on the right leg of an elderly woman. Her left leg has been treated with a topical ointment for psoriasis.
Picture 5: Sever iodine deficiency manifesting as a goiter in an elderly man
Picture 6: What is the likely diagnosis for this middle aged man?
Picture 7: A middle aged man presenting with ring worm infection.
Picture 8: What is your likely diagnosis for this elderly man?
Picture 9: A middle aged man presenting with a parasitic worm infection on his left leg.
Picture 10: Secondary infection from an open wound on the leg
Picture 11: What is the likely diagnosis for this elderly woman?
Picture 12: A little boy presenting with scabies
Picture 13: The little boy (from the above picture) treated for scabies with a topical ointment
Picture 14: Can you guess what micronutrient deficiency this woman has? (Hint: this woman has a goiter)
Picture 15: What is the likely diagnosis for this young man?
Picture 20: A secondary infection from an open wound on the thumb.
Picture 21: A young girl presenting with a birth defect. Despite being born without external pinnae (ears), her auditory canal and inner ear organs developed properly. As a result, she has the ability to hear.
Picture 22: What is the likely diagnosis of this young infant?
Picture 23: This young man presents with Bitot Spots which are characteristic signs of Vitamin A deficiency.
Picture 24: This young girl presents with conjunctivitis in both eyes.
Picture 25: What is the likely diagnosis of this young boy?
Picture 26: This woman shows a characteristic sign of iron deficiency anemia. Her tongue is pale (pallor). 
Picture 27: This woman presents with ring worm infection on both of her hands.
Picture 28: This infant presents with fungal infection on his leg and foot.
Picture 29: Due to the lack of iodine in her diet, this woman suffers from iodine deficiency which has manifested as a goiter.
Picture 30: This elderly man suffers from varicose veins in both of his legs. His condition is a result of a lifetime's worth of very hard physical labor in agriculture.
Picture 31: A young girl presenting with dermatitis on her right thigh and general malnutrition.
Picture 32: What is the likely diagnosis of this young infant?
Picture 33: A young boy presenting with fungal infection on his face.
Picture 34: This man received an eye injury that was not treated adequately and promptly. As a result, he contracted a serious eye infection which resulted in the removal of his left eye.
Picture 35: An elder woman presenting with general malnutrition. Also notice that she is slightly bow-legged due to an inadequate supply of calcium and Vitamin D3 in her daily diet.
Picture 36: These two villagers are afflicted with general malnutrition. Notice how their bodies are wasting away, especially the woman on the left.
Picture 37: An elder woman presenting with a vitamin A deficiency. She was diagnosed with vitamin A deficiency from the characteristic eye lesions that were presented—Bitot spots.
Picture 38: This man is in the beginning stages of Vitamin A deficiency. If the deficiency progressed further, then what characteristic eye lesions would appear?
Picture 39: This man presents with iron deficiency—which is noted by the paleness of his tongue.
Picture 40: From the comparison of hands what can be inferred about the hand on the right side? (Note the hand on the left, is of a man who has no micronutrient deficiencies, he is of optimal health).
Picture 41: What is the likely diagnosis of this young woman?
Picture 42: A middle aged man presents with ring worm infection on his right hand.
Picture 43: A six year old girl presents with malnutrition as well as iron deficiency.
Picture 44: This elder woman has nyctalopia—night blindness—this is characteristic of what micronutrient deficiency?
Picture 45: An elder man presenting with general malnutrition.
Picture 46: What is the likely diagnosis of this elder woman?
Picture 47: A little girl presenting with fungal infection on her scalp. As a result, she has been experiencing hair loss at the site where the infection has taken place.
Picture 49: A young infant presenting with scabies infection.
Picture 50: A young boy presenting with iron deficiency anemia. (Note how he has splenomegaly—an enlarged spleen).
Picture 51: A middle aged man presenting with dehydration and general malnutrition.

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